Saturday, June 20, 2009

Work, Work, Work & WORK

I am so tired!!!! I cannot believe that I am not even a month into my 27 yr old life and am still doing the same thing.... well I can't say that entirely I have been trying to put myself out there a little more- well my version... dinner with friends- possible setup- that resulted in nothing!! I wish I had something juicy to be writing- something that would possibly get me a follower?? NBD- Like I said this is for me to account for my year, and so far if I were to be reading this I would pass out of boredom :P- well tomorrow is a new day!!!!!!!! xoxo nothing to gossip about!

Friday, June 12, 2009

No sex in Pasadena

I am not sure where I thought of the the title- well I am watching Rumor has it and these are the things I pick up on...... Its kinda funny actually because their is no sex here either so I guess that is how it is fitting.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where do we go from here?

I ask this question to my self quite often, almost as often as I wish for love and new beginnings @ 11:11. I think that timing is everything and most of the time what I want is probably not what I need and I need to be more patient about everything in my life. I feel like I am getting a lot better about that. I am very blessed and I would not change a thing. I think that people need to be happy with what they have, its like that Garth Brooks song unanswered prayers...there is something to be said for that song and state of mind.

I believe that everything
is in divine and perfect order right now.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Message from me to me

So if anyone actually reads this and would like to follow me on twitter to read my one tweet a day I am @ilvspinner if you'd like to indulge.

So yesterday I forgot to say who my ideal guy is, well I did not for get I guess I just did not think to put it..... He is kind of a combo guy really, I want a guy as sweet as Marshall from HIMYM, funny and sarcastic as Jim from The Office, looks like Ryan Reynolds (minus Scarlett), athletic and yes hot like Andy Roddick, smart like Hannity...yes I said it to all that do not know (which is all of you) I am pretty conservative. Well I am sure I want more, like 31 flavors style, but I guess until I stumble upon it I will not really know.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Bachelorette to good to be true????

Tonight was spent making pasta for me, well me and my absent sister but none the less me. I am watching the Bachelorette and wishing that this was me but I do not think I could handle the pressure- these are my two faves- Tanner P & Kyptin, I could do with out Tanner's foot fetish but what ever we all got something right??? Today my sister found out that the guy she has been seeing has continued to see his ex, pretty sad actually for her he lead her on and really his loss. Guys will be boys. I do not want this to deter her from pursuing the guys she is into but I will say it is hard to see if they are honest or not. I think it is all about what you put out there and your state of mind. We are 4 yrs apart and when I was 23 I was making very similar mistakes, now I do not make those mistake really because I do not put myself out there, which is by no means a good thing. So with that said good luck boyz and I feel like my time is about to come whether you know it or not!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 3

So I have decided that this year I am going to test my writing skills and breakout some blogging! Not sure who will follow or if any, but this is really for me. I turned 27 just 2 days ago and really want to document my daily activities. I am what you would call a "retail whore"...actually Jason Mraz coined that but I live it so I think I can call it my own for now. I am single...and with that I hope that the situation is on the up and up!!! I am pretty much surrounded my women all day and exhausted when I am not at work.....but it is what it is and about to change. I can't believe I am 27 though, the years have FLOWN by!! My life has pretty much revolved around work, which is something that somehow some way will change and
become more about me!!
So here we go... here's to a great year filled with abundance, love, heath, new beginnings, friends and family.