Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 3

So I have decided that this year I am going to test my writing skills and breakout some blogging! Not sure who will follow or if any, but this is really for me. I turned 27 just 2 days ago and really want to document my daily activities. I am what you would call a "retail whore"...actually Jason Mraz coined that but I live it so I think I can call it my own for now. I am single...and with that I hope that the situation is on the up and up!!! I am pretty much surrounded my women all day and exhausted when I am not at work.....but it is what it is and about to change. I can't believe I am 27 though, the years have FLOWN by!! My life has pretty much revolved around work, which is something that somehow some way will change and
become more about me!!
So here we go... here's to a great year filled with abundance, love, heath, new beginnings, friends and family.

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