Monday, June 8, 2009

Bachelorette to good to be true????

Tonight was spent making pasta for me, well me and my absent sister but none the less me. I am watching the Bachelorette and wishing that this was me but I do not think I could handle the pressure- these are my two faves- Tanner P & Kyptin, I could do with out Tanner's foot fetish but what ever we all got something right??? Today my sister found out that the guy she has been seeing has continued to see his ex, pretty sad actually for her he lead her on and really his loss. Guys will be boys. I do not want this to deter her from pursuing the guys she is into but I will say it is hard to see if they are honest or not. I think it is all about what you put out there and your state of mind. We are 4 yrs apart and when I was 23 I was making very similar mistakes, now I do not make those mistake really because I do not put myself out there, which is by no means a good thing. So with that said good luck boyz and I feel like my time is about to come whether you know it or not!

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